Tiny Dangerous Fun in NY seeks performers

Tiny, Dangerous, Fun
Come out to the land of porches and tall trees this summer for an evening of big-top risks in the basement of a bar/flowershop. Each month a handful of clowns, burlesque performers, puppeteers, acrobats, musicians, and/or ??? will perform their ballyhoo in the bar’s bowels for 40 or so lucky patrons who got there in time to get a seat. For the audience goer who wants it intimate and hilarious, Tiny, Dangerous, Fun will knock yer socks off.
Sycamore Bar
1118 Cortelyou Rd. at Westminster Road
Brooklyn, NY (Q train to Cortelyou)

$10 at the door

Tiny, Dangerous, Fun seeks clowns, burlesque performers, puppeteers, acrobats, freaks, comedians, musicians, and/or short film makers with ten minutes of material to be presented in one ten minute chunk or two smaller 5 minute chunks (or three three minute chunks?)

The material should be-

tiny: the stage is eight feet wide and four feet deep and just over 6 feet tall. If you jump, you’ll hit your head. Only about four people can fit on the stage (if they’re not moving).

dangerous: we’re seeking work that takes physical, emotional, social and/or spiritual risks, (no fire, sorry). As there is only room for about forty people it will be extremely intimate.

fun: All of the above-small, risky, yaddayadda, plus it’s gotta be FUN. No self indulgent performance art. No just-for-the-sake-of-pissing-us-off shock value- unless you manage to make us LOVE being pissed off.

What you get:

a percentage of what we bring in at the door and two drink tickets per performer.

Still interested? send along the following to info@johnleo.net asap

  1. a proposal of what you would like to perform.
  2. a link to your work on youtube (does NOT have to be the work you intend to perform)
  3. all your contact information (email & phone)
  4. which month(s) you are available to perform

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