Busy Weekend in NY, Clown Wise! (Jan 11-13, 2013)

There are a bunch of events happening, clownwise in NYC this weekend. Partially because of APAP (The Association of Performing Arts Presenters ), which holds their annual conference in NY every January. So people try to have something going on so that bookers can see it. (Now why didn’t I think of that?)

Here’s a few events you might be interested in attending this weekend: (and I’m sure there are many others. If I missed yours, please feel free to add the info into the comments.

1) Kamikaze Fireflies at Symphony Space (Saturday January 12, 11 & 2 pm)

This Los Angeles based vaudeville duo features Casey Martin (formerly of the acrobatic show Barely Balanced) and Rob Williams (formerly of the renowned comedy troupe The Flaming Idiots). Excellent pedigrees, and this may very well be the funniest juggling, Hula-Hooping, fire-breathing, whip-cracking, chair-balancing, baloney-sandwich-with-feet-making acrobatic duo you’ll see this year!
More info about them: http://www.kamikazefireflies.com/
Buy tickets online: http://www.symphonyspace.org/event/7622-kamikaze-fireflies

2) Last Weekend of Big Apple Circus Legendarium (2 shows per day through January 13)

AcrobuffosIf you haven’t seen this show, it is apparently a knockout . Christina Gelsone and Seth Bloom of the Acrobuffos are the clowns this year, and they are always great. Also look for gymnast and amazing juggler Daniel Cyr , Mistress of horses Jennie Vidbel, and ringmaster John Kennedy Kane( You can also look for me at the last show on Sunday!)

More info (and buy tickets): http://www.bigapplecircus.org

Read something else I wrote about Big Apple Circus.

Goodbye Grandma


3) I Malvolio , Opens at the New Victory’s Duke Theatre (January 11-20)
I Malvolio by Tim CrouchThis one man show by London’s Tim Crouch is one in a series of looks at misunderstood characters of Shakespeare. Others in the series include I, Caliban; I, Peaseblossom; I, Banquo; I, and I, Cinna. I Malvolio takes a good hard look at the fallen and mocked servant from Twelfth Night who has his dreams dashed by a cruel prank. I’ve read the script to this, and it’s fantastic. Sort of a bouffon deconstruction of Malvolio. Reviews have been uniformly excellent. Don’t miss it!

Buy Tickets online: http://www.newvictory.org/Show-Detail.aspx?ProductionId=4191

4) Piccolini Trio at the Canal Park Playhouse January 5-27, 2013

piccolini trioThe Piccolini Trio combines contemporary and classic European style clowning, bringing to life a repertoire of routines using music, physical comedy, juggling, pantomime, acrobatics and poetic whimsy. I hired them at least once for Bright Night Providence, and this is their third year of mounting shows at the Canal Park Playhouse (which has been pretty steadily dedicated to the variety arts)
Buy tickets online: http://www.canalparkplayhouse.com

5) Exit, Stage Left at the Emelin Theatre (Mamaroneck, NY) Saturday January 12 at 1:30 pm

exit_leftHarkening back to the days of vaudeville, EXIT STAGE LEFT packs more entertainment in a single show than a three-ring circus. An ensemble of 5 presents a wide range of old-fashioned family entertainment, from tap dance to live music to slapstick comedy. EXIT STAGE LEFT has appeared at theaters and festivals around the world. It’s produced by Parallel Exit, who we’ve featured on these pages many times before.

Buy tickets online: http://www.emelin.org/event/family/exit-stage-left

6) Bindlestiff APAP Showcase (Saturday January 12 at 7:30,8, 8:30pm)- MUST RSVP!
bindlestiffsJoin the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus on Saturday, January 12 for one of three APAP NYC 2013 conference showcase offerings. They’re looking for some devoted Bindlestiff fans (as well as well-heeled bookers) to witness their vaudevillainous antics and astonishing visual spectacles. Joining the founders of the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus Pennygaff and Philomena (Keith Nelson and Stephanie Monseu) will be some of the top variety/clown performers in NY, including Book Kennison, Ekat, and Mark Gindick.

The showcase shows are on Saturday, January 12 at 7:30, 8:00, and 8:30 pm. Tickets are free, but space is limited. Call Michael Bongar for a seat: 917-208-3778 or email michael@bindlestiff.org . If you’ve never seen the Bindlestiffs you are in for a treat. And if you have… well, you already know that you should be there!

More info about the Bindlestiffs: http://www.bindlestiff.org

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