Complicite’s The Encounter: LAST DAY TO WATCH!

Today is the last day to watch Simon McBurney (director of Theatre Complicite) perform his amazing solo show The Encounter.

UPDATE:  It looks like they took this private.  It is no longer available. Sorry if you missed it.  It was great!

Here’s the youtube link:

The show sold out at the Barbican in London, and they streamed the show live on YouTube on March 1 and made it available for 8 days.

If you do watch it, headphones must be worn in order to experience the show’s sound design.

Directed and performed by Simon McBurney.

A Complicite co-production with Edinburgh International Festival, the Barbican, London, Onassis Cultural Centre – Athens, Schaubühne Berlin, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne and Warwick Arts Centre.

McBurney is one of the founders of Complicite, which is a London based devised theatre company that has been in existence since 1983.  I saw them in London in 1995 perform three different shows :

Complicite Playscripts #1The Three Lives of Lucy Cabrol, Street of Crocodiles, and Out of A House Walked A Man.   (You can purchase two of the scripts from Amazon via the link to the left)

I was blown away by their work.  When I saw them they were just starting to become well-known, but since then they’ve won all kinds of awards.  Their work is transfixing and wonderful, and is rooted firmly in the theories of Jacques LeCoq.  They’ve toured to over 40 countries, and are now firmly in the pantheon of great theatre groups.

Their work is physical, involved, takes months of research and rehearsal, and all of it shows in their final product.  It’s really wonderful stuff.  Don’t miss this opportunity to see this amazing solo show!


Find out more about Complicite on their website.

You can also read this really interesting book about British Theatre Companies which places Complicite in context with their comrades-in-arms/competitors.

British Theatre Companies


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