Photograph of Jim Moore (by Mark Mitton)
I’ve talked about Jim Moore on the blog quite a bit. He’s an amazing photographer and former performer who has managed to make it his life work to photograph clowns, jugglers, magicians, and other variety arts performers. He does it with aplomb and a keen visual eye, and has taken hundreds of iconic performer photographs over the years. Perhaps he is most famous as the photographer of Philip Petit’s classic tightwire walk between the Twin Towers (captured beautifully in the documentary Man On Wire.
When I lived in New York,we met at all kinds of events, and we sat next to each other often (I love to sit in the front row, and he sits in the front row with his camera snapping shots.)
Over the last 10 years, he attended a number of performances, and over 200 photos of those shows are collected in his latest book Don’t Miss This, which started pre-sales on his website and on Amazon yesterday.
I’m proud to say that one of my shows is featured in the book, along with hundreds of other amazing performers. Other performers featured in the book include Lawrence Pisoni (founder of the legendary Pickle Family Circus), Circus Amok’s “Woman with a Beard” Jennifer Miller, bouffon artist Red Bastard, drag king Murray Hill, sideshow star Todd Robbins, Tom Murrin (a.k.a. The Alien Comic), Avner the Eccentric, burlesque queens like Julie Atlas Muz and the Wau Wau Sisters, and performance artists like Penny Arcade and Reno. There are also essays inside by Paul Zaloom, Pat Oleszko, John Towsen, and Michael Smith.
The promo for the book is below, and I highly encourage you to pre-purchase a copy pronto. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that this will be a fantastic book right up your alley. And if you look below, you’ll see a discount code to get 25% off the book from Jim’s website himself. He might even sign it for you!
You can’t beat that with a stick!
With over 200 full-color photographs, taken between 2010 and 2020
Don’t Miss This: A Decade of Eccentric Performing Arts is Jim R. Moore’s pictorial paean to the stars of today’s circus, sideshow, burlesque, and new vaudeville scenes. In these pages, you will find the world’s most eccentric extended family: clowns, acrobats, thespians, musicians, contortionists, jugglers, puppeteers, ventriloquists, daredevils, aerialists, opera singers, drag stars, monologists, impresarios, magicians, impressionists, fire-eaters, nuts, and acts of the sort we still don’t have any polite name for.
“Jim Moore has photo-documented at least an entire generation of my kind of performers, within the confines of a single decade. This book is a treasury of memories!” – HOVEY BURGESS, educator; author, Circus Techniques
“An extraordinary collection of images that will serve as the definitive visual legacy for a decade of live performance.” – MARK LONERGAN, artistic director, Parallel Exit
“I salute my friend Jim Moore for always being present where the action is and for his talent at extracting the essence of a performing scene. Bravo, well done!” – PHILIPPE PETIT, high wire artist |
Order Here
At checkout, use code POSTCARD for 25% off! (brings it down to $29.99!)
Seriously, Don’t Miss This!