Laughing Stock presents Antonio Fava in Chicago 2/15-2/16/2020

February isn’t actually Commedia Month (although it does contain international Commedia Day).  But in Chicago, Laughing Stock Theatre is doing its darnedest to celebrate Commedia month anyway. They are bringing Antonio Fava, a world-renowned performer, teacher, director and maskmaker from Italy, to Chicago during the month of February.  He’ll be conducting a 2 day master class 2/15-2/16 at Links Hall […]

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NY Winter Commedia Workshop Dec 26-30, 2016

  Stanley Allan Sherman will teach another one of his Roving Classical Commedia University workshops Dec 26-30, 2016. Stanley is a well-known commedia mask maker and expert on commedia.  We’ve featured Stanley a number of times here on clownlink, and he wrote a great guest post about what makes a great commedia mask. He’s been teaching workshops like this one since 2001, […]

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RCCU’s 10nth Anniversary Workshops June 12-July 1 (NY)

Stanley Allan Sherman, well-known maskmaker who contributed an excellent guest post to our Commedia Month series, will be teaching a 3 week commedia intensive from June 12-July 1 in New York.  The workshop will feature over 128 hours of instruction. Here’s some of the details: RCCU 2011 RCCU is beginning its 10th anniversary year teaching Classical Commedia dell’Arte.  Students will […]

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Ten West: Comedy Duo

TEN WEST is the comedy duo of Stephen Simon and Jon Monastero under the direction of Bryan Coffee. They blend physical virtuosity and inventive comedy with poignant writing, broad audience appeal to create their own theatrical style with strong influences of vaudeville, commedia, and clown. Ten West originated in the sketch comedy world in 2003, and has been touring throughout […]

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Playing Commedia- 4 classes in Australia

PLAYING COMMEDIA A Series of Classes on the Comic Tradition for Teachers, Actors, Undertakers… facilitated by  Clint Bolster and Ben Cornfoot from Lightwire Theatrical Productions  When: 6.30-9pm, Thursdays March 17, 24, 31 & April 7. Where: Ithaca Church Hall, 80 Enoggera Tce Red Hill/Paddington (Boys’ Brigade Hall), AUSTRALIA! Cost: $85 for all four classes, $70 for students/unemployed (Earlybird discount price […]

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Commedia Cosmology: Masters, Lovers, and Servants

While doing research I came across this scholarly paper.  Thought I’d offer it up today as a kind of a wrap up of my three posts on the Commedia Characters. (In case you’ve forgotten here they are) SERVANTS: MASTERS: LOVERS: And here’s the scholarly article.  It’s written by Dr. Scott McGehee, founding director of Accademia Dell’arte, which […]

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Guest Post: What makes a Great Commedia Mask? by Stanley Allan Sherman

[I’ve asked a few great mask makers to submit a guest post entitled: What Makes A Great Commedia Mask? Their responses will appear here over the next few days. The images sprinkled throughout this page are from the author’s website, copyright by the author (as is the text), and used by permission. For permission to reprint this article or the […]

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2 Commedia Workshops- Florence Italy!

Commedia Dell’Arte course. Traditional theatre to contemporary theatre March 28-April 8 and July 18-July 29, 2011 ILE organizes 2 week courses in theatre in Florence for actors to enhance their physical expression and learn the techniques of storytelling and improvisation as well as scene study analyzing the major authors together with the tradition of the Commedia Dell’Arte through Moliere, Shakespeare, […]

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Giants of Commedia: Gozzi vs. Goldoni

During the mid-1700’s, (over 100 years after Flamino Scala) two commedia performers/playwrights were having a feud over the future of commedia.  They were both named Carlo, they were both Venetian, and they both had very different ideas about what made commedia dell’arte special and worthwhile. Carlo Goldoni (1707-1793) was for getting rid of the masks and improvisatory nature of commedia […]

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