Tall Toys Troupe

The Tall Toys Troupe is a group of stilt-walking performers based in Connecticut who perform a number of stilt-based shows. They provide a number of entertainers and shows for corporate gigs, parades, birthday parties, and other events. Their costumes are great, and they have a number of different looks, including a 9 foot tall Uncle Sam, trees (like Ents from […]

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Clown Jonas

Clown Jonas (aka Prosper O, aka John Ghysenbergh) is an internationally known performer from Belgium. He has performed in a number of countries, including an upcoming performance in Japan next week as part of the 3rd Yakumo International Theatre Festival. (See their website for additional information. (in English) Clown Jonas uses juggling, puppetry, magic, music, and clowning to create his […]

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Festival Photos– Clown Parade & Pie Fight

Searching flickr is fun! I found this set of photographs from the opening day of Clown Festival festivities (can you have festival festivities? Or is that redundant? Aren’t all festival activities, by their definition, both festive, and festivities?) Anyway, these photographs are from the opening day, and include the Clown Parade and the Pie Fight. All these photos are by […]

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NYC Tramp Workshop with Giovanni Fusetti 10/31-11/4

HUMAN TRASH A theatrical exploration of the American Archetype of THE TRAMP a workshop led by Giovanni Fusetti New York theater company The Combustibles is hosting a workshop taught by Giovanni Fusetti exploring the archetype of the Tramp. This workshop is part of the research and generation phase of a new production, Detritus, a show about waste in New York […]

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Special Offer: 500 Clown at PS-122 (December NY)

500 Clown, the award-winning clown company from Chicago, will be performing at PS122 in December with two shows: 500 Clown Christmas and 500 Clown Frankenstein.Both shows are NY Premieres. And they are offering a special ticket offer for 500 Clown Frankenstein! Composer/musician John Fournier joins 500 Clown to create a clown-rock-pop-jazz-theatre-concert-party(!) Diving into the dark and light sides of the […]

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Adam Lazarus & Torontoclown.com

Adam Lazarus is a performer, director and instructor whose work in physical theatre, clown and bouffon has taken him to France, England and coast to coast across Canada. As a young man, Adam founded the Toronto based collective company Schmigeggy, where he produced, directed and performed in 10 of Schmigeggy’s popular original works. After critical success and monetary failure, the […]

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Bouffon Glass Menajoree

Bouffon Glass Menagerie promises a lot to its audience members– and delivers on every promise. It’s a fantastic show that is well-conceived, well-directed, well-designed, and very well-acted. Basically it’s a parody of Tenessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie: which was Tennessee’s first commercial success, and a play that has a long history of being parodied and mocked. And mock it they […]

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Parallel Exit Gala 10/29 featuring Barry Lubin

Parallel Exit will produce a Halloween Gala that will include entertainment from the company and special guest star Barry Lubin (Grandma the Clown). The benefit takes place at 7:30pm on Monday October 29 at the 45th Street Theatre, 354 West 45th Street. Tickets are $75 for VIPs and $30 for patrons, and can be reserved at 917-407-7537or parallelexit@hotmail.com. Barry Lubin […]

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